Final Fantasy X remains one of the most iconic and best games in the entire series. It boasts excellent turn-based combat with a system that rewards players who take the time to optimize their characters. The world is linear but there are many secrets to find. Not to mention that every location is gorgeous and fantastical. When players think about what makes a Final Fantasy game good, many of the characteristics of Final Fantasy X come to mind. It's a genre-defining video game in the long-running franchise.

While Final Fantasy X is a very accessible game (for the main story), there are more advanced tricks and strategies hidden away. Understanding these mechanics will be crucial if players wish to conquer the end-game content. That includes the Dark Aeons, Arena, Celestial Weapons, and the super boss Penance. The last one, in particular, will require hours of preparation and battle time to overcome. But that's the very last thing gamers will be doing. First, players have to grasp some of the more advanced techniques of Final Fantasy X.

This list will have some tips that players may have missed out on during a casual playthrough of the game. Gamers can complete the main story without following most of the entries here, but they won't get an optimized experience. If players are looking to up their game, then this list is a great starting point.

Updated July 17, 2021 by Russ Boswell: Final Fantasy 10 continues to be one of the most influential titles within the franchise well into 2021. It's been 20 years since the iconic RPG landed on store shelves, to critical acclaim from fans and critics alike. Tidus' deeply emotional story and the mechanics introduced in Final Fantasy 10 are often considered by some to be the best the series has ever offered, and a recent remake has re-invigorated interest in the classic. More players than ever are able to play through the incredible adventure on a variety of platforms.

What may new players may not know is that there are an abundance of FFX secrets to uncover, and even veteran fans may have missed some of these on their first playthrough. The following FFX tips are as useful as ever, thanks to the HD remake. To better celebrate the FFX tips and secrets found in this guide, we've updated information, photos, and smoothed out some of the edges. Here are Final Fantasy X tips that every fan should know.

25/25 Support Abilities

Final Fantasy 10 Lulu using Haste on Tidus

Support abilities don't do damage but they are just as vital as attacking abilities. This sub-type includes spells like Haste, Esuna, Reflect, and many others. A lot of them are part of the White Magic arch-type, but there are some other ones. Players will absolutely want to get Haste and Hastega as fast as possible.

Tidus is the best option as his Sphere Grid has it fairly early in the game. Players looking for a boost will want to rush towards this as soon as possible. It will be extremely helpful against tougher bosses.

24/25 Increase Yuna's Strength

Final Fantasy 10 Yuna summoning Ifrit

At first, it may be confusing as to why players would want to increase the Strength stat for a mage. And it's true that during the story, players won't be using Yuna as a physical attacker. But remember, Yuna isn't alone.

Her Aeons also gain strength based on Yuna's stat. So, if gamers want their Summons to hit hard then it would be a good idea to invest some Strength Spheres into Yuna. Optimizing players should balance it out with the attacking characters like Auron and Tidus.

23/25 Auron's Zombie Attack

Final Fantasy 10 A closeup of Auron from a cutscene

Auron offers a lot of utility with his various special skills. He can reduce the attack and defense of opponents. He can also turn them into zombies. And for once, players actually want their enemies to be mindless zombies.

In Final Fantasy, zombies (and other undead types) take damage from healing abilities. So, Cure absolutely destroys them. This turns Yuna from a support mage into an all-out offensive sorceress. Players can also damage zombies with potions for the fun of it.

22/25 Aeons Can Heal Themselves

Final Fantasy 10 the Aeon Ifrit posing from summon

Aeons may not have built-in healing spells like Cure, but they do have alternatives. Namely, the three elemental Aeons; Ifrit, Shiva, and Ixion. They absorb fire, ice, and lightning respectively. So, how do they heal?

Players can simply hit themselves with the appropriate spell. That's right, players can hit themselves in this game. So, why not use it advantage? Make Shiva cast Blizzard on herself to heal some damage.

21/25 Celestial Weapons

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus holding the Caladbolg weapon

These are the ultimate weapons of Final Fantasy X. The ultimate weapons are always worth getting because of their strength and special abilities. However, they can be time-consuming and hard to find.

This list won't include any information on how to find them, as not to spoil the fun. It's a satisfying experience to find them all without using a guide. Before searching up a guide, be sure to give it a shot without any knowledge. Players may just surprise themselves.

20/25 Invest In Yojimbo

Final Fantasy 10 a battle against Yojimbo

Yojimbo is a special Aeon that works differently from the others. Players can't control him directly. Instead, they have to give him money and he does a random attack. One of his attacks is an instant kill and can work on bosses.

This is why it's a good idea to invest money in him. Don't do a whole lot at once, but consistently give him some cash. About 1000 every now and then. The more money players give him, the better their odds.

19/25 Tidus' Overdrives

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus using Spiral Cut Overdrive

Tidus gets some awesome overdrives late in the game. However, players can speed up the process of earning new ones in a very simple manner. Just keep using Tidus' overdrives whenever possible.

Tidus gains new overdrives when he reaches a certain amount of uses. If players keep using them frequently, he will unlock new ones at a faster rate. Gamers don't even have to get the button inputs right. Just keep using them.

18/25 Making The Most Of Lulu's Overdrive

Final Fantasy 10 Lulu commanding a Cait Sith doll in battle

Lulu's Overdrive is a tough one to get right all the time. Players must rotate the analog stick as many times as possible to get the most out of it, damage-wise. It's best to use this as often in the early game so players can get some practice with it.

The Overdrive is at its best when players get the Flare spell. This deals massive non-elemental damage, making it a reliable choice. The other elemental spells could be blocked by enemies with resistances.

17/25 These Are Worth Getting

Final Fantasy 10 a player party hitting an enemy with an overkill

An Overkill in Final Fantasy X is when players defeat a foe with massive amounts of damage. It's easier to achieve when the enemy is low on health. It's not always possible to achieve, but players should try to do so whenever possible.

Getting an Overkill may reward gamers with twice the amount of AP and items than normal. The bonus AP is perfect for grinding Sphere Levels early in the game. This is especially true if players can Overkill a boss and get double AP from them. It's worth keeping this mechanic in mind when playing.

16/25 Don't Ignore O'aka's Plight

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus talking to Oaka

O'aka is a quirky guy in the game that asks players for money. The guy is also a merchant and will be the only seller in certain places. So, why should anyone give this guy a lot of their hard-earned money?

It's all because of that 30% discount on his goods. If players give him 10,001 Gil or more. However, either go all in or not at all. If they give anything less than the required amount, he will actually increase his prices.

15/25 The No-Encounter Ability

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus fighting an underwater battle no encounter

In the Baaj ruins, Tidus encounters a ferocious beast known as Geosgaeno. During the first battle, players end up running away. However, they can challenge the beast again when they're much stronger.

Geosgaeno can drop some No-Encounter weapons and is the only way of getting it on a weapon. It has a 50% chance of dropping it so players should be sure to save before the fight. Hopefully, luck is on their side and it doesn't take long.

14/25 The Zombie Status

Final Fantasy 10 Yuna casting Curaga

Yes, Auron can turn people into zombies. But so can enemies. This is an awful status since it prevents players from healing. To deal with it, players have to first cure the status by using Holy Water or Remedy. Sadly, Esuna doesn't work on this specific status.

Don't let the zombie status last for too long. Players want to get rid of it as soon as possible. So make sure to keep large stocks of Holy Water and Remedies. Holy Water is specific to Zombie so players may want to carry more of the item.

13/25 Countering Reflect

Final Fantasy 10 Seymour using Protect

It can be annoying when enemies shield themselves using Reflect. They literally reflect all magic attacks, which can be a pain during battle, especially when the enemy has a juicy elemental weakness waiting to be exploited

There are two main ways to deal with Reflect. The first is for players to cast reflect on themselves. Then they can cast magic attacks on themselves, which will reflect back onto the enemy. It won't be reflected twice. The other choice is to just dispel the Reflect.

12/25 Don't Run From Battles

Final Fantasy 10 a party engaged in a battle

Final Fantasy X is nicely balanced for a regular playthrough, as long as players aren't constantly running from battles. If gamers make sure to fight every single battle, they should be strong enough for every boss.

Of course, this can vary since the game uses a random encounter system. Players may get a lot more encounters and be over-leveled. Or they could get fewer fights which will force them to grind a bit more. Whatever the case, players should try not to run too much.

11/25 Use Optimal Sphere Grids First

Final Fantasy 10 Japanese view Tidus sphere grid

It may be tempting to mess around with the Sphere Grid and mix the character roles. It's a lot of fun trying out new combinations and team compositions. However, for the start, try to stick to character roles.

The reason is to ensure players are getting all of the most useful spells as soon as possible. Gamers will want to get Haste with Tidus. They'll also want to get Dark attacks with Wakka. And Yuna's White Magic abilities are a lifesaver. So, it's best to stick to the intended pathways at first.

10/25 Search For The Destruction Sphere

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus opening a chest in the Cloister of Trials

During the story, players will have to solve some puzzles at the Cloister of Trials. This is the place where Yuna must undergo a special ritual so she can receive the ability to summon the Aeons.

There's an optional quest players can do during these trials. Using these Destruction Spheres, they can find hidden chests. If players are able to find them all, the powerful Aeon, Anima, becomes available. So it's definitely worth looking for the spheres.

9/25 Play Blitzball Often

Final Fantasy 10 Tidus doing an underwater backflip

Aside from being a fun mini-game, playing Blitzball can offer players other advantages. Namely, they can unlock new Overdrives for Wakka by playing (and winning) Blitzball matches.

Gamers can also earn rare items like Mega Elixirs and Dark Matter by winning games. All in all, there's a lot to gain from playing Blitzball. At the very least, players should give it a try next time they boot up Final Fantasy X.

8/25 Don't Hoard Your Items

Final Fantasy 10 the entrance to the Monster Arena

There's no reason to hold onto old weapons and armor. Players should sell them off whenever they upgrade and don't need them anymore. It's a good way to keep a consistent flow of money and soften the cost of a massive upgrade.

Players should also see if you have any other items to sell that may be worth money. It's a good way to make sure they always have some amount of money, in case of an emergency.

7/25 Besaid's Special Dog

Final Fantasy 10 a special dog in Besaid

After Yuna receives her first Aeon, Valefor, players can get it an upgrade almost straight away. Normally, the Aeons only have one Overdrive. However, savvy players can find a second Overdrive for her in Besaid.

First talk to the shopkeeper. If she mentions something about her dog digging up something "strange" then gamers are on the right track. Look for the dog around the village and talk to it. It will give an item, which happens to be the second Overdrive.

6/25 Experiment With Rikku's Mix

Final Fantasy 10 Rikku using mix

Mix is Rikku's Overdrive. It allows her to combine items and create a special effect. This is an extremely powerful tool. But that may not be the case at first.

Which is why players should practice with it as much as possible. Experiment with different item combinations and see which ones yield results. Players could search up combinations on the internet, but that wouldn't be very fun.